~Effexor Withdrawal...Brain Zaps And Other Issues The Drug Companies Forgot To Mention

I am appauled at the drug companies for failing to inform users of documented side effects and withdrawals from their antidepressant drugs, and I wonder how long they intend to use us as their trial subjects in the search for long-term effects from these drugs. I intend to do something about this atrocity and I hope that you will help me. For now...This is my daily journal of "Coming Down"...~

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Day 17 Can't remember when I COULD Remember...Will I ever be able to Remember Again?

I wonder what it will be like to comb my hair and not have it feel so strange. Only those who have had this same sensation will understand what I am talking about here. It’s a feeling as though your scalp is being pulled away from your brain when you brush your hair. An unreal feeling and one that I am looking forward to~~~ NOT HAVING~~~!

I dreamed again last night. I was arrested for a ~~~ FELONY~~~…I still don’t know what it was. They were handcuffing me and taking me to jail and I knew in the dream why but for the life of me when I woke up I can’t remember what it was.

This reminds again about the short memory loss again. I really HATE forgetting what I was doing…why I came into another room…what I was going to say. From what I have read many others have experienced this short term memory loss also. Another side effect? Or just a passing withdrawal symptom? I’m hoping that after this horrible drug is completely out of my system that I will be able to remember things more clearly…. the way I did ~~~ BEFORE EFFEXOR~~~!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Day 16 They are BACK...Those Vivid Dreams returned last night...

I was hoping they were over...gone...kapoot. But... they were back with a vengeance once again. I was buying golf clubs at a garage sale in one, (thanks John), only they were old, beat-up and so ugly I was embarrassed to use them. (What was I worried about?...I don't even GOLF!). Then I was crying when I got them home because they were so scratched and banged up. Why the heck didn't I look at them BEFORE I BOUGHT THEM?

Then, in another dream some friends had 8 kids and THEY were UGLY...all of them...and our friends had turned UGLY too! I don't mean just normal UGLY here, They all had faces that should have been in MONSTER MOVIES...Even the little baby! That dream made me sad but I don't remember if I cried in that one.

Today I took my pill early and now I'm sitting here in that druggy trance you feel a little while after taking your medication. It's a bit like being sleepy...a bit like being drunk..not really caring and just kinda floating along. It passes after a while but this part isn't so bad...to me it is a bit calming, somewhat relaxing.

I've promised to help a friend next week...decorate for a Baby Shower. We have to do that on Monday...
I wonder how I will feel next Monday?

It's beautiful outside today but I have work to do inside...I hope I can get out for a walk at least...maybe I can climb the hill again :-) I'm really trying to shed a bit of this weight. I've lost 8 pounds and now that dial on the scales won't move!!!! I may join a gym after I see how next week goes.

One thing I am grateful for is that I haven't had the nausea or vomiting that so many users have written about. (And hopefully I won'tt get it either...I HATE throwing up....Don't YOU?)
read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Monday, March 29, 2004


I have heard now from a couple of people that they are still experiencing these “brain zaps” (or “brain shivers” as some have called them), LONG AFTER they are off the Effexor.

This is what I think makes me the MOST ANGRY!

Far more research should have taken place BEFORE this, (Effexor), and other drugs were rushed to market. Are we at greater risk now for all kinds of long-lasting effects because they wanted to hurry and make some money?

And what about those of us who received our drugs for free?
I didn’t sign anything saying I agreed to participate in any STUDY of this medication in return for receiving it at no cost. Did you???

I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life having to put up with short term memory loss, “brain zaps,” vision problems, and all these other wonderful side-effects and withdrawal symptoms once I have gotten off the drug (AND I WILL GET OFF THIS DRUG!!!!), but I am hearing that this may be the case. How long will they last?...No-one knows.

Wouldn’t you think the FDA should require more LONG TERM testing on these medications so that we, the consumers and prescription drug users, could be more honestly informed?

Am I just another specimen, (test subject), in an “undisclosed clinic,” (my own home),
For Wyeth or some other big drug company?

Are you?

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Sunday, March 28, 2004


The real test begins one week from today. I have just 8 capsules left of the 37.5mg. and I am thinking of letting Saturday be my LAST dose so I can have Sunday as my first day in 2 1/2 years drug-free!

I guess I'm getting a bit more apprehensive when I think about not taking that little pill every day. At least I know that if I go "cold turkey" on Sunday that I have one extra 37.5 mg. capsule that I could use if I had to. (Of course I still have a couple of weeks worth of the 75mgs. too but I don't want to go there!)

Am I getting scared? I think so, maybe somewhat, but I'm going to try to keep focused on how much better off I will be when WITHDRAWAL is over.

Heading out to enjoy a bit of sunshine today after a restful sleep WITHOUT DREAMS!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Saturday, March 27, 2004


Charles is my new neighbor 2 floors down who left me a nice note taped to my door late yesterday... (Don't know how to knock Charlie? I was here when you must have tip-toed up). The note was addressed "To Whom It May Concern" and was asking me to remove the bird feeder from my deck because the seeds had made a mess on his patio below. He further stated that he had "asked the birds and they didn't mind" and then also requested that I come down and sweep his patio.

I must say I was rather shocked at the boldness of Charlie's requests, as he apparently just moved in and left the note the same day, and while I am a pretty NICE person most of the time old Chuck hasn't seen nothing until he's seen how someone going through EFFEXOR WITHDRAWAL can behave!!! :-)

Seriously, I had a bit of fun with this (in my own little way), and not only did I compose some funny responses for CHARLES, I asked for suggestions from my friends and family too.

Some of those responses I won't be able to publish here :-( and none were ever delivered, but just the same, the entire fiasco made my day!

So for a bit of light-hearted fun today I have copied my responses and those that are publishable from others, here below:
(Names have been withheld to protect all identities. :-)

To Whom It May Concern:
Where the hell did you come from? Last time I looked, (yesterday), Unit #23 was vacant.
You must have moved in during the night huh?
Well, I am sorry but I cannot comply with your request. You see, I am doing a top-secret research project for the Audubon Society. It is called "How to feed and enjoy the nature of birds in your own backyard."(AKA "How not to give a R--- A--- if you P---- O--- your new neighbor two flights down when you mess up his patio with bird seed".
I asked the birds and they said " leave the feeder where it is and ask your neighbor to either move out or clean up his own ------ patio!" There you have it!
Sincerely, Freda FInch
@ 1-800-GET REAL

Sorry Charlie-
But you see, I have no way to get down there...I am a quadriplegic and really my only enjoyment in life is watching the pretty birdys out my window.
I will send my husband, (who by the way is working 3 jobs to pay for all my medications), down on Sunday to clean up those bird seeds. Maybe while he is there you can show HIM how to talk to the birds too...He said he would really like that!
Freda Finch
@ 1-800-KIS-MYAS

Hey Chucky-
My husband says if you are talking to the birds then you are probably IMAGINING those sunflower seeds!
So BUZZ OFF...(like a BEE okay?)
Freda Finch
AKA Pretty Birdy Watcher
@ 1-800-GET-LOST

You're going in the right direction.
I would not add the "My husband says..." part. It denotes a helpless
reliance on a mate, and steals some thunder from the quip.
Try this variation on the one above:

Dear Charles,
If you spend any great length of time speaking with the birds, then
you are most likely imagining the sunflower seeds. Next time you have a chat with your aviary chums, could you please remind
them to clean up after themselves.
For future reference, I am also not responsible for cleaning up any dung
your pink elephants might deposit on your porch/patio area.

Your Neighbor

I found your note conveniently taped to my door. I can only assume that you
are new to renting and living underneath someone.
Don't fret though, my son
and his wife live on the bottom floor of an apartment building and they have
learned to deal with all that comes along with that. . .
for now. (They will
be purchasing their own home soon.)
Anyway, I am certain you will soon be able to decipher a legitimate issue
from a petty inconvenience and the reasonable actions to take.

I will attempt to shift the feeder in order to reduce the amount of
leftovers being distributed to your patio below. I do not feel obligated to
sweep your patio, for the same reason I do not feel obligated to clean up
all the bird scat around the property. That would be ludicrous.

I appreciate your willingness to inform me of your concerns, but request
that from now on you limit your notes to those issues that are "noteworthy"
or have some significance.

Your neighbor above,
Etma Shorts
Or Idan T. Care
Or Sharon Seeds
Or Robin Finch
Or Reah L. Mesmaicker

P.S. If you find yourself speaking to the birds often, you may want to seek
professional psychiatric assistance.


Your responses were funny ... I personally would recommend that you and (your husband) should avoid putting any
letters on his door in response to his ignorance, (come on, he talks to birds, he is *crazy)...
In other words, steer clear of any trouble, honestly. Have you seen this guy?
I'm actually not sure what I would do in that situation, maybe apologize to him and move your feeder
(Even though doing that would make him think he can walk all over you), or knock on his door
and introduce yourself and then just start singing as loud as you can...
And then follow up with really loud "tra-la-la-la-la" and then leave.
When he doesn't show up, go back down to his apartment and asked him why he didn't show and that you had tea and
strumppets ready for the munchies!

Dear Charlie,
I'd sincerely like to apologize for your
inconvenience. My husband and I are honest
hard-working people (Monday is my husband's 15 year
anniversary with the US Postal Service!)
and we would
never intentionally irritate a neighbor (especially
after all the stress Bob goes through at "The
. We both sincerely apologize! I will be
sure to send Bob down to sweep up your porch Sunday
afternoon. (I'd send him down on Saturday but that's
the day he cleans his guns!!)

With love,


On to the more serious things and the reason I am keeping this journal.....

In doing my research today I was re-reading Wyeth's Home Page for Effexor XR.
This time I was a bit more critical with my reading and stopped cold when I saw this...

"EFFEXOR XR is thought to work on both serotonin and norepinephrine ...two chemicals in the brain linked to depression. Correcting the imbalance of these two chemicals may help relieve symptoms of depression."

THOUGHT to work on serotonin and norepinephrine????
Don't they know???

This was actually taken from their own website @ www.effexor.com take a look...
I think they should be ashamed, yes, but they should also be embarrassed!!!

That reminds me that I keep forgetting to mention some of the things which I know now are truly side-effects and withdrawal symptoms of this drug, but things I have learned to live with over the past 2 1/2 years and I am wondering if they will change or go away when I am off this nasty drug.

The first thing is the~~~ deteriorated eye sight~~~ and~~~ blurred vision~~~. I noticed about Thanksgiving that all at once it was very difficult for me to see the television which was no further away than it had been even the day before. And then as I thought about it I realized that for quite some time I had been having a harder and harder time focusing on things. I guess I had just passed it off as getting older and needing to have my eyes checked (it has been 2 years after all), but now it is quite bothersome and I wonder if it will even get better when I am totally off the Effexor?

Another thing that I didn't give much thought to was~~~ yawning~~~. Sometimes I've yawned 20 times or more in succession. It seems like it used to happen in the afternoons and I thought it was somehow connected with that afternoon loss of energy, although lately it seems to happen at any time of the day. I honestly feel like I could just lie down and take at nap at those moments. Is it because I AM really tired or does the yawning MAKE me tired?

When I think back to when I first went on the medication too, I can remember that my~~~ ankles would swell up~~~. That has only happened a few times since then, but in the beginning it happened at least twice a week. At the time I thought it was part of "the change"coming on and it was also August and quite warm, but now that I read what some others say I wonder if this is drug-related also.

Isn't it odd that one of the side effects that Wyeth DOES mention is~~~ anorexia~~~? I have not seen one post in any forum about that. In fact, most posts I see are complaints of weight gain. If someone out there became anorexic after taking Effexor or ANY of the commonly prescribed anti-depressants I would like to hear from you.

It's been a long day and I've worked on my research all day. (Except for those few fun moments of reading through the responses I should be sending to Charles but won't).
I've felt a bit better today too and I don't think I was overly emotional at allGOOD FOR ME!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Friday, March 26, 2004

Day 12 March Madness in the EFFEXOR WITHDRAWAL WORLD

The MADNESS is in the DREAMS...They are ~~~VIVID~~~and~~~FRIGHTENING~~~ I usually don't wake up crying or even wake up from them at all, but I do remember bits and pieces every morning. Strange...where do those thoughts come from?

Last night in the dream we were moving, (which is not ALL THAT UNUSUAL,as we have moved a lot), but this time we had MANNEQUIN HEADS to move. All three heads were of women...Two of them had on scarves and were of normal beige mannequin material. The third was a black velvet bald head (although I remember it was a woman too), and it had a clear glass cap on. (Something like a shower cap in the way it fit but it was made of 2" clear glass).

We were taking turns carrying the BALD ONE in my dream. It was heavy and while one person could manage to handle the other two heads at one time, this one was so heavy that we passed it back and forth while we walked. And we walked FOREVER! We walked and walked and yet we never arrived at any destination.

These dreams are something I will never understand.

~~~BRAIN ZAPS~~~ were back a few times today. I hope when the medication runs out these little electric shocks will go away too.

I went for a nice long walk in the early evening. To the top of a hill nearby. It would have been very peaceful if no one else was there, but two women were, and they wanted to "chat". Don't get me wrong...They were nice, but I had looked forward to exploring the hill alone, (with my little dog LIZA by my side, of course). I was not really in the "chatty" mood but I obliged them and we returned down the hill together, then each to our own safe surroundings we call "home".

Hubby was a bit late again tonight and has to work tomorrow (the 5th Saturday in a row now), but I will find something to do....I should be busy with my eBay sales but I would rather work on my research....We'll see.

More responses today to my request...I am finding out that more people than you can imagine have things to share about these nasty anti-depressant drugs!!!!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Day 11 Tasting WARM when it should be COLD

Well, this was a first...At lunch today I was eating some sliced turkey rolled around egg salad when I noticed that a bite was~~~WARM~~~in my mouth. Now, both the turkey and the egg salad had just come out of the refrigerator so I knew the roll-ups themselves should be~~~COLD~~~ And I was also drinking iced tea with my lunch, so nothing was supposed to be ~~~WARM~~~.

I picked up the plate the roll-ups were on, and felt the bottom. I guess I was thinking, (albeit subconsciously), that I must have sat it down on something~~~WARM~~~. No...The bottom of the plate was ~~~COLD~~~just as it should be. Then I touched the roll-ups still left on the plate...(Even though I knew they'd be ~~~COLD~~~ too. I just had to be sure and... yes they were).

I didn't give the whole thing much thought after that...Just let it go, thinking I had erred I guess. I went on working on my computer more or less forgetting the whole thing. Well, it wasn't in the next few bites, but in a bite near the end of the last lonely roll-up, that it happened again.....~~~IT TASTED AS IF IT HAD BEEN WARMED~~~The final bite was then again, back to ~~~COLD~~~.

I have not read anything to associate this with withdrawal but COULD IT BE? I'll be checking this out...

Aside from that...Still having the ~~~NIGHTMARES/VIVID DREAMS~~~Last night of blind people who could really see and were trying to fool me. ~~~That's a CRUEL joke now isn't it?

The~~~CRYING~~~returned today with a vengeance in the early evening...Again, for absolutely no reason that I can think of!

I am tired again tonight, but I didn't feel that ZOMBIE feeling today, although the ~~~BRAIN ZAPS~~~happened twice...they were there one minute and gone the next though so let's hope that's all I'll feel of them!

I continue working on my book...The research is extensive...
I posted the following in a few mental health and depression forums yesterday and today:

I am in the withdrawal stages from Effexor XR and I'm keeping an online journal (blog) of my journey @ http://stuffiwannasay.blogspot.com

I am also doing research for an upcoming book which will shed light on the problems associated with legally prescribed anti-depressant drugs and would be interested in hearing stories from anyone about their experiences with these drugs.

If you are the user of an anti-depressant medication yourself, or, if you are a family member or friend of someone who has used or is currently using anti-depressants, your personal perspective is important in this research.

I would like information concerning how and when you, (or they), started using the prescribed medication, the name and dosage, (if known), and also for what illness or condition the medication was prescribed.

Other important information for this research would cover side effects, which would include, but not be limited to, odd or strange feelings or actions encountered during the drug's use.

Additionally, if you, (or they), are now in the withdrawal stages, (or have been in the past), any information on length of time, dosage decreases, feelings, overall condition of health, etc. would be beneficial to my research.

If you are interested in sharing any portion or all of this information with me, I welcome your email to:

I addition, if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line at the same address.



I have already received SEVERAL RESPONSES so I am very encouraged!!!!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Day 10 This is Your Brain on Effexor...

Today has not been one of my best days...to say the least...
~~~VIVID DREAMS LAST NIGHT~~~of Rotweiller Dogs with Dachshund bodies :-(
~~~HEADACHE~~~ almost all day...just a dull ache though so I am still functional.
~~~CRYING~~~ (don't ask me why... because I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!) One spell came over me this morning for absolutely no reason and then later in the day it happened again....I was able to stop it both times so I am not a sobbing idiot like before.
This part is hard...the not knowing WHY I feel like crying AND... WHY I feel half-drugged!
I have figured out that the ~~~druggy~~~ feeling comes at about 4 hour intervals. I wonder if there's a reason for that?
I received the nicest emails these past two days. (Names are changed to protect the innocent:-) and I have copied parts of them below...
The encouragement from those who care helps me immensely.

Hello there!

I logged into the blogger website and glanced over at the "newly
updated blogs" list. That's where I saw the title of your blog. I
usually don't read other blogs online, but the title caught my eye and
I couldn't help but read about what you have been going through.

I want to encourage you in your efforts to get off of Effexor XR. I,
too, have been a SLAVE to this drug in the past. Brain zaps, horrible
nightmares, and a whopping 60+ pound weight gain are just a few of the
side-effects I experienced.

I remember when I decided to stop taking Effexor. My physician did not
want to take me off of the drug. He didn't feel like I was ready to
come off of the antidepressant, but I prayed about it and decided that
I had to do what I felt was best for my own sanity. I got off of
Effexor without my doctor's help. The first two weeks were difficult,
but eventually all of the symptoms went away.

It took months for me to start feeling normal again. I found that
Effexor made me feel "numb" to my own feelings. My husband commented
that he was "glad to have his wife back" after I got all of the Effexor
out of my system. I am working hard to lose the weight that I gained
while taking this drug.

It has been almost a year since I have taken Effexor XR. I don't miss
it one bit! AND, I don't feel depressed anymore either! You're not
alone...and you're in my thoughts while you're getting all of this JUNK
out of your system.

Take care,

Hi Deb...

I hope the Effexor withdrawal is going ok. Hang in there.


Maybe you can come over some time this week and have lunch with me. Just give me a call. The kids are good about playing while I visit. So if you want to come over feel free.
I shared the information about the drug (with a friend). And I am going to send it to (my daugheter). I didn't think you would mind. How are you doing today? I also prayed Psalm 91 for you (and put your name in it), before I went to bed last night around 11:00. I hope you slept good. Talk to you soon. And call me any time to talk... I love you and hang in there.

(Also I asked for prayers (for you) at Bible study.)

Hello Deb,

I read the FDA Advisory yesterday. Isn't it funny how LONG it takes
for these major companies to listen? Thousands of people pop up to
say, "Hey, I'm having a funny reaction to this drug." They just call
us 'crazy' and turn their heads. How many people will have to suffer
before these corporations will listen?

I remember when I talked to my primary physician about Effexor.
I specifically asked him, "Will this medication cause me to gain weight,
or will it increase my appetite?" My doctor told me,"...medication cannot
make you gain weight. There are no calories in this medicine."

*rolling eyes* Let me tell you something, I gained weight on birth
control (30 pounds) when I took that a few years ago. And, if that
wasn't hard enough, then I went on Effexor and gained an additional 60+
pounds! The weight gain and the moodiness I was going through was
obvious to friends, co-workers, and family. Eventually, I even quit my
job because of the effects and everything that happened to me. It was

This statement in your email sums it up for me!
> I can't believe that the drug companies (specifically Wyeth in our
> cases) won't stand up and admit that this drug is far worse than the
> conditions for which it is prescribed.

"...far worse than the conditions for which it is prescribed..."
EXACTLY how I feel about Effexor XR.

By the way, congratulations on your recent weight loss! Keep up the
super work. I love Dr. Phil and I think it's great that you're using
his plan to help you get back on track. (Why is it so EASY to gain
weight and sooooo difficult to lose it??) I've lost about 25 pounds so
far, and I'm starting to feel better about myself again. Thank God!

You mentioned the stress-relieving effects of folic acid and inositol.
I think that proper vitamins are ESSENTIAL in helping us stabilize our
moods after getting all of these chemicals out of our bodies. I
currently take one multi-vitamin, sub-lingual B12, calcium, potassium,
vitamin C, and extra folic acid each and every day. I have not been
sick one time since I began taking these every day. I have also had
more energy and can only recall feeling "depressed" or anxious maybe a
handful of times and never longer than a few hours at a time!

I will keep up with your blog to check and see how you're doing from
time to time. Hopefully, those nightmares will go away soon. That was
a horrible part for me...because my husband was in Kuwait during the
time when I was 'de-toxing' from the Effexor, so I was all alone and
SCARED from those nightmares!

Keep your chin up! You'll be feeling better in no time!

Again, I am thankful for my family and friends (and even those strangers who write), for their care, concern, and prayers.
I can't imagine this journey without you!!!

I had a wonderful foot massage from hubby (yep, he loves me too...), last night and he is ready to do it again so I will leave you tonight with this perplexing little question:

Did Paul Newman just wake up one morning and say “Gee, I’m tired of making movies...
I think I’ll just cook up some Salad Dressings? :-)

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Day 9 So Does This Mean They STILL May Not Comply?....

Up early today...a bit of "insomnia caused by dehydration" last night.
I was up every 2 hours...thirsty. Never had that happen before. I'd drink a cup of water and then I'd go back to sleep and it would happen again in a couple of hours. Needless to say it was not a very restful night. I finally decided at 6:30 am just to get up and see if the DAY will treat me better! :-)
I was reading the AP article, (you can read the entire article here), regarding the FDA's Advisory from yesterday...
One paragraph reads:
"FDA asked Monday for explicit explanations of worrisome behavior changes to be placed in bold print under the prominent "warnings" section of those labels: agitation, anxiety, irritability and recklessness. Doctors spotting those traits should consider prescribing a lower dose or stopping the drug, FDA said."
Then further down in the article it says:
"Manufacturers didn't immediately say if they'd comply."


read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Monday, March 22, 2004

Day 8 Well, Well, Well...Maybe they are FINALLY Starting to Listen...

The "drugged" feeling is back today. I wonder why the withdrawal effects seem to change from day to day...back and forth, back and forth?
More ~~VIVID DREAMS~~ last night too... (or should I just call them Nightmares?). This time children stabbing a butchered cow with sticks... :-( Ugly , Ugly.




"FDA Public Health Advisory

FDA Public Health Advisory
March 22, 2004


Today the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked manufacturers of the following antidepressant drugs to include in their labeling a Warning statement that recommends close observation of adult and pediatric patients treated with these agents for worsening depression or the emergence of suicidality. The drugs that are the focus of this new Warning are: Prozac (fluoxetine); Zoloft (sertraline); Paxil (paroxetine); Luvox (fluvoxamine); Celexa (citalopram); Lexapro (escitalopram); Wellbutrin (bupropion); Effexor (venlafaxine); Serzone (nefazodone); and Remeron (mirtazapine).

Warning Information

Health care providers should carefully monitor patients receiving antidepressants for possible worsening of depression or suicidality, especially at the beginning of therapy or when the dose either increases or decreases. Although FDA has not concluded that these drugs cause worsening depression or suicidality, health care providers should be aware that worsening of symptoms could be due to the underlying disease or might be a result of drug therapy.
Heath care providers should carefully evaluate patients in whom depression persistently worsens, or emergent suicidality is severe, abrupt in onset, or was not part of the presenting symptoms, to determine what intervention, including discontinuing or modifying the current drug therapy, is indicated.

Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), hypomania, and mania have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric. Although FDA has not concluded that these symptoms are a precursor to either worsening of depression or the emergence of suicidal impulses, there is concern that patients who experience one or more of these symptoms may be at increased risk for worsening depression or suicidality. Therefore, therapy should be evaluated, and medications may need to be discontinued, when symptoms are severe, abrupt in onset, or were not part of the patient’s presenting symptoms.

If a decision is made to discontinue treatment, certain of these medications should be tapered rather than stopped abruptly (see labeling for individual drug products for details).

Because antidepressants are believed to have the potential for inducing manic episodes in patients with bipolar disorder, there is a concern about using antidepressants alone in this population. Therefore, patients should be adequately screened to determine if they are at risk for bipolar disorder before initiating antidepressant treatment so that they can be appropriately monitored during treatment. Such screening should include a detailed psychiatric history, including a family history of suicide, bipolar disorder, and depression.

Health care providers should instruct patients, their families and their caregivers to be alert for the emergence of agitation, irritability, and the other symptoms described above, as well as the emergence of suicidality and worsening depression, and to report such symptoms immediately to their health care provider.


Among antidepressants, only Prozac (fluoxetine) is approved for the treatment of pediatric major depressive disorder. Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), and Luvox (fluvoxamine) are approved for pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder. None of these drugs is approved as monotherapy for use in treating bipolar depression, either in adults or children.

The requested labeling changes are consistent with recommendations made to the Agency at a meeting of the Psychopharmacological Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC) and the Pediatric Subcommittee of the Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee (Peds AC), held on February 2, 2004. The possibility of suicidality associated with the use of antidepressant drug products in the pediatric population was also the subject of two previous FDA communications (FDA Talk Paper on June 19, 2003, and FDA Public Health Advisory on October 27, 2003).

FDA is continuing to review available clinical trial data for pediatric patients with depression and other psychiatric disorders to try to determine whether there is evidence that some or all antidepressants increase the risk of suicidality. Later this summer, the FDA plans to update the PDAC and Peds AC about the results of this review.

FDA plans to work closely with each of the nine manufacturers of the antidepressants that are the subject of today’s request to continue investigating how to optimize the safe use of these drugs and implement the proposed labeling changes and other safety communications in a timely manner."

Well, well, well...

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Day 7 One Week Down...Two More To Go...

Lots of ~~Vertigo~~ today but I was determined to keep moving. Hubby did the driving and it was wonderful to be out in the sunshine and see the crocus poking their heads out of the ground :-) Signs of new life emerging...
I'm noticing that the feeling of being "outside yourself" (that sensation of pulling your body along...trying to keep it moving fast enough to catch up with your eyes) happens at about the same time and at the same intervals each day. I'm wondering if this is an effect of the time-release. Maybe it is just before the release that this happens, OR maybe it happens because the release is only 1/2 the dose I was accustomed to?

More encouraging words from loved ones today...
*Thank you for your thoughts and prayers*

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Day 6 Not Again...

UGH...Back to the way things were going a couple of days ago...MORE VIVID DREAMS last night. I woke up several times SWEATING too.
I talked to one of my sons last night and got email from the other one tonight. They make the journey easier as does my wonderful husband.

They are my ~CHEERLEADERS~ and their love and encouragement makes me strong.

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Friday, March 19, 2004


Wow...I have felt GREAT today...I haven't had the concentration problems OR the ~~~HEADACHE~~~ all day.
I hope this is the way the next 2 weeks go and then the final break-away too!
I was certainly expecting this to be much worse after having read all the on-line posts. Maybe it is better for ME since I was only on the 75 mgs. and not on 300 mgs.

It should be a CRIME putting unsuspecting patients on a dosage that high and not telling them about WITHDRAWAL!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Day 4 Bizarre Dreams and Trying to Microwave the Silverware...

Not the same today. Not as happy go lucky either.
I am having a lot more trouble concentrating on things. I put my silverware in the microwave (TWICE)
Luckily I caught myself and exchanged them for the bowl that was indeed supposed to go in there.
I've had a ~~~HEADACHE~~~ most of the day and that groggy druggy feeling was worse this afternoon.
I had some very vivid nightmares last night too...about a friend having cancer, (who really doesn't), and then one about some cars driving around inside buildings hitting people... very bizarre dreams.
Really tired tonight so will try to get some rest before the dreams come back to haunt me....

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Day 3 Drugged...

I'm on my new dosage of 37.5 mg, (down from 75 mg) of that nasty, highly addictive drug, Effexor XR. The Doc says three weeks on this dose and then off cold turkey. So far I feel like I used to when I would delay a dose...kinda like floating...almost a "drugged" feeling...I'm having a bit of trouble concentrating...maybe I'm coming down or maybe I just need a nap :-)
Anyway, so far it is going fine...
EXCEPT...I just looked up and I can't believe that BLOG-SPOT is advertising Effexor XR FOR SALE at the top of My Blogs...

Now that makes me want to SCREAM!! :-)

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Day 2 Good News Today!

So far... NOTHING.
Well, I am just a bit dizzy... but nothing terrible, and I have just now taken my second 37.5 mg dose. I feel functional.....although not energetic, but I am certainly not feeling much different than I've felt in the past when I have beenLATE in taking my 75 mgs. So...I say.....NOT BAD!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION

Monday, March 15, 2004

Day 1 Getting Started...

My appointment with the new Doc was at 9am and because I was running late I was a bit stressed. When I got there though, THEY were running late too! Then they still had all those many pages of paperwork to get put into my folder. (That's why I was late...I was filling out those pages and pages of new patient forms! :-)
Okay... So here I am...Armed with all my research, excited to finally be doing this, and now they want to weigh me...UGH! ... I could have done without getting on those scales but,... The truth needed to be told. I have gained 40 lbs. since I started traveling down the EFFEXOR HIGHWAY 1 1/2 years ago!
Watching that skinny little nurse slide those weights back and forth on the scales was enough to make me dizzy! And, following her hands as she adjusted them to get the perfect results was even begining to make me nauseous, but then, to my absolute horror, the next thing she did was call my "POUNDAGE" out loud!!!
I jumped off the scales, took a fast look around, (quickly thanking God that no-one was close enough to hear her), then I scooped up my purse and dashed ahead of her into the exam room!
Looking over my chart, (which was mailed to them from Dr. #1's office), she proceeded to ask me a few general questions, took my temperature and blood pressure and told me the Doc would be right in.
About 15 minutes later he arrived, and with a friendly smile he introduced himself. We exchanged some pleasantries while he too, reviewed my file and asked me a few questions. (He said nothing about my weight...I was the one who brought THAT up!)
He did ask me however,(besides the weight gain), WHY I wanted to get off of the Effexor. I explained to him the numerous side-effects I had experienced, (he was holding the list I had brought for him), and I figured that THAT should pretty much answer his question!
Next we spent several minutes going over those items on the list, one by one, discussing each in a bit more detail.
After we had finished he said that although some people have gone "cold turkey" getting off of Effexor, he agreed with me that this was not a good way to go.(Thank God).
Next he told me that he had ordered a book which lists suggested withdrawal timetables from different medications. (I wonder now...Did he just order this after I came by to set up my appointment 2 weeks ago, and told the receptionist pretty specifically WHY I wanted the appointment? Hum... Well, if that's what he did, then I figure he at least has an interest in helping me by being informed, so maybe he is okay! :-)
Next, I spent time explaining to him that I was quite aware of both the documented and un-documented withdrawal effects of the EFFEXOR XR and that many of the things I had read about withdrawing from the drug had given me a heightened sense of anxiety. I also explained that the anxiety was one of the main reasons I had put off making the forward move to get off the EFFEXOR and that the other main reason for waiting so long was the fact that since I had no medical insurance, (and since Dr. #1 had been getting my Effexor from the Wyeth Company for me @ no charge since day 1!!!!), that I could not afford to purchase the pills, if that was necessary, to complete any withdrawal plan. Of course, I was thinking 3-6 months for the tapering off at this time.
Well, he assured me that everything would be just fine and then left the room to go "double -check" the book for the prescribed timetable.
He returned just a few minutes later with this verbal prescription for withdrawal :
"Beginning today, decrease your dosage from 75mg. per day to 37.5mg. per day.
Do this for 3 weeks.
At the end of the 3 weeks you should be able to go without any further medication."

Three weeks worth of 37.5 mg. of Effexor XR accompanied his directions and as he handed the pills to me, and I thanked him, I had to wonder, after all I have read, after all I have heard.... if this schedule will really work for me.
Being the optimist that I am, I quickly shrugged off any apprehension though, and I have decided to explore the road ahead of me with faith and trust.
I will now begin my journey...
I have just taken my first 1/2 dose of just 37.5mg. and I look anxiously to the day that I will no longer be addicted to these NASTY, AWFUL, HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, (yet still perfectly legal), prescription pills called EFFEXOR XR!!!

Follow my journey if you'd like and wish me luck @:
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Monday, March 01, 2004

Day 18 What do we really know about DRUG INTERACTIONS?
I can’t say that today was good or bad. ~~~No dreams but just that groggy feeling~~~ throughout the day. Not happy, not sad either…just “along for the ride” today! :-)

It was a day of reflection though. I thought a lot about what my life has been like for the past 1 ½ years while I have been taking the Effexor. It was a day of reflecting too, on all the mail I have received from others, who, like myself, have in some way been affected by the consequences of these horrible anti-depressant drugs.

It was with great sadness that I read a letter just this morning from a man who had lost his wife less than 6 months ago. He wrote that she had been taking a combination of over 10 prescribed drugs, (for various reasons), so, not all of them were antidepressants but among them he listed: an anti convulsive drug, a sleeping pill, Remeron, (which is an antidepressant), Effexor XR, ( of course, another antidepressant), Risperdal, ( the most frequently prescribed antipsychotic medication in the US), a nasal spray, (which is used to relieve moderate to severe pain), a commonly prescribed medication for relief of migraine pain, a blood pressure medication, a perscription strength acid reflex medication, and another commonly prescribed pain reliever with codeine.

It made me wonder if drug companies may also be holding back any information and not disclosing everything they know about the interactions these antidepressant drugs may have with other common (and not so common) medications, which are prescribed every day for an arrray of other illnesses both physical or mental???

That is certainly something else to wonder about…

How long WERE these medications tested for interatctions???

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