~Effexor Withdrawal...Brain Zaps And Other Issues The Drug Companies Forgot To Mention

I am appauled at the drug companies for failing to inform users of documented side effects and withdrawals from their antidepressant drugs, and I wonder how long they intend to use us as their trial subjects in the search for long-term effects from these drugs. I intend to do something about this atrocity and I hope that you will help me. For now...This is my daily journal of "Coming Down"...~

Monday, April 19, 2004

Day 17 WITHOUT Effexor and why won't these aches go away?

I woke up this morning with a good attitude and a clear mind, both of which will help me today as I have a few phone calls to return, and a lot of miscellaneous chores to accomplish along with my work.

My plan was to go to the gym today too, and I still may do that, but I have been bothered by another problem that has just recently surfaced (within the last week anyway), and that is the fact that I am achy, and I woke up feeling it again this morning.

My lower back bothers me the most, but my legs, and even my feet hurt too. Has anyone else had this ACHY feeling? I attributed it to the “flu-like” feeling people wrote about experiencing during withdrawal but is this what its like?

Hopefully, it will go away long enough for me to get a few things done and
I really hope it’s not another “after-effect” of Effexor...

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was taken off effexor from 400mg a day to nothing.........withdrawal!!! OMG............aches, I thought I had arthritis as every joint in my body hurt, and the dizziness, for over a month I constantly felt like I could blackout anytime. And all the Dr.'s would say was.....side effects don't last that long. They sent me for tests to see if my joint/muscle pain was from my collestral medication, and no......then for arthritis, and no...but none of these Dr.'s would admit that the reasons for my illness were from the withdrawal from that medication. I knew it was!

6:28 PM  

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