~Effexor Withdrawal...Brain Zaps And Other Issues The Drug Companies Forgot To Mention

I am appauled at the drug companies for failing to inform users of documented side effects and withdrawals from their antidepressant drugs, and I wonder how long they intend to use us as their trial subjects in the search for long-term effects from these drugs. I intend to do something about this atrocity and I hope that you will help me. For now...This is my daily journal of "Coming Down"...~

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Day 32 I am feeling better and yet others are begging for HELP!

I’m not nauseous today and I didn’t have dreams or the severe thirst last night...
3 great breakthroughs at once! :-)

I am hearing some very sad stories from users who have tried to quit and are either struggling with the withdrawal or after-effects or have gone back on their Effexor or other antidepressant. I am shocked to hear from so many who have actually been prescribed “cocktails” (which are a COMBINATION of antidepressants). They were not told about side effects or specifically, side-effects which could occur with the combination...Do the Doctor’s know enough to truthfully inform us? I don’t really think so.

I am still trying to get around to answering many of your letters...please keep writing and please bear with me in the answering. I am also working online for a few hours each day now, on my research again so my hours are well spent but pass too quickly :-)

I hope that I feel like starting my membership at the fitness center next Monday as I went out today and bought some new running shoes just for the occasion...
(I have never owned a pair of running shoes in my life! :-) Now, if I can just keep the nausea and dizziness at bay I should be able to get in at least an hour or so a day of real PHYSICAL work :-) as I am really looking forward to shedding the extra 40 lbs. I have gained! (Thanks again for THAT Wyeth!)

If you are reading this and you know of someone who may have an insight to share that will help in my research ( Antidepressants from the USER’S Point of view), please give them my email...and again, I PROMISE to get to each and every one of your letters soon!

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION


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