~Effexor Withdrawal...Brain Zaps And Other Issues The Drug Companies Forgot To Mention

I am appauled at the drug companies for failing to inform users of documented side effects and withdrawals from their antidepressant drugs, and I wonder how long they intend to use us as their trial subjects in the search for long-term effects from these drugs. I intend to do something about this atrocity and I hope that you will help me. For now...This is my daily journal of "Coming Down"...~

Monday, March 29, 2004


I have heard now from a couple of people that they are still experiencing these “brain zaps” (or “brain shivers” as some have called them), LONG AFTER they are off the Effexor.

This is what I think makes me the MOST ANGRY!

Far more research should have taken place BEFORE this, (Effexor), and other drugs were rushed to market. Are we at greater risk now for all kinds of long-lasting effects because they wanted to hurry and make some money?

And what about those of us who received our drugs for free?
I didn’t sign anything saying I agreed to participate in any STUDY of this medication in return for receiving it at no cost. Did you???

I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life having to put up with short term memory loss, “brain zaps,” vision problems, and all these other wonderful side-effects and withdrawal symptoms once I have gotten off the drug (AND I WILL GET OFF THIS DRUG!!!!), but I am hearing that this may be the case. How long will they last?...No-one knows.

Wouldn’t you think the FDA should require more LONG TERM testing on these medications so that we, the consumers and prescription drug users, could be more honestly informed?

Am I just another specimen, (test subject), in an “undisclosed clinic,” (my own home),
For Wyeth or some other big drug company?

Are you?

read and sign the EFFEXOR PETITION


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